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What are your tenants actually looking for in a rental?

By Urban Springs Marketing

So you have an investment property in Belmont, Rivervale, Redcliffe, Ascot, Kewdale, Cloverdale, and surrounding areas? There are many things a renter will consider when choosing their next home and it’s not always to do with the cost. It’s all about the value your property can provide for tenants and their lifestyles.

Keep reading to see why you must consider the needs of your tenants when thinking of buying an investment property or maybe you already own one in the areas mentioned above and you need a bit of help to jazz up the description of your property listing.

  • Location, location, location

Location is everything. Your tenant will be considering things like access to amenities, public transport, and convenience. Is your potential property near schools, a pharmacy, a supermarket, and local cafes? If you haven’t made the investment yet but have your eye on a particular property, consider the above points. If these amenities are within walking distance, it makes the property even more appealing to the tenant.

  • Is the area safe?

Safety is so important for every type of tenant whether it’s a family with young children or teenagers or perhaps it’s a single professional or a young couple just starting. Is your rental property fitted out with ample security doors or CCTV cameras? Your tenants must move in knowing their landlord has considered their safety. Ensure all locks and alarms are in good working order and updated with current safety standards. The preferred option for tenants will always be undercover parking but if this isn’t available, how safe is the street parking? Can they leave their car out with confidence overnight without worrying about a break-in?

  • Links to transport

Not everyone has access to a car, and property near a bus stop or train station will be something they are looking for. If they work in the city center, how far is the commute via public transport? We know the Ray White urban springs property locations are all centrally located, and each has good links to the inner city.

  • Home office space

The hybrid working environment is more prevalent than ever, and many tenants need a space to work comfortably from home. Is there an additional space within the potential property you are looking at that could be transformed into a home office or perhaps a spare bedroom that can be used as a separate space?

  • Pet friendly

This can be a touchy subject among landlords but offering a pet-friendly property opens your potential list of tenants. Pets are a significant part of many Australians’ lives and it’s time the rental investment market moved forward to reflect this. We know if you’ve lived with a pet yourself, you can understand the sentiment that they are very much a part of your family but if this isn’t the case, trusting someone with an animal can be a test. It is ultimately your own decision as an investment property owner, but we would encourage you to do some research. You could miss out on your ideal tenant purely because they have a cat or a dog!

The Ray White Urban Springs district including Belmont, Rivervale, Redcliffe, Ascot, and Kewdale are reputable suburbs with various properties to suit every tenant and budget.

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