Since 2006 Andrew Huggins has sold more apartments in Tanunda Drive Rivervale by a factor of 3 to 1. Andrew has also sold more properties in Rivervale than any other Real estate agent by a factor of over 2 to 1 and in 2011 he sold more properties in The City of Belmont than any other real estate agent.
If you are selling in Tanunda Dr, Rivervale and The City of Belmont then you can be assured that Andrew Huggins runs the biggest database of buyers of any real estate agent in this area.
With Ray White Urban Springs being situated in the heart of The City of Belmont and at the forefront of Property Management services and technology and the fastest growing agency in the last 2 years if you are looking for a property manager in Tanunda Drive, Rivervale and the City of Belmont then call for a rental appraisal today.
For real estate information on Tanunda Drive, Rivervale, Belmont or surrounds then call Andrew Huggins on 0413 231 303.
If you are looking to sell your property or require property management services please call 08 9277 3555