Many real estate agents talk about their database of buyers. Unfortunately the reality for many is just lip service referring to perhaps a few dozen buyers they may be working with and a haphazard collection of emails that they regularly spam.
Ray White Urban Springs has been at the forefront of data management now for several years and has been fastidious in collecting data. Our Current Buyer database is now has 5847 people on it making it the most powerful buyer attraction tool in The City of Belmont and one of the most powerful in the whole of Perth.
An example of it in action is just last week a VIP alert went out for a Belmont property and attracted 10 buyers and 2 offers $25,000 above the asking price and $45,000 above the best offer the previous agent could generate. What is really encouraging is that this property was not even listed on the Internet at this time.
As well as attracting buyers who are currently looking in the area, a significant advantage to using this database is that buyers who are looking in similar areas for similar properties are also alerted to our new listings widening the market of buyers and potentially increasing the potential price.
The other important fact is that this service is free.
If you are looking to sell your property or require property management services please call 08 9277 3555